Donations & Corporate Giving Policy
Corporate giving requests are segmented into three categories.
A. Advertising- can be through traditional channels or less traditional channels, ie) Cornerstone logo on the boards within Art Hauser Arena, advertising within a brochure for an arts event;
B. Sponsorship- sponsorship of teams or events could be considered;
C. Donations- monetary or gift-in-kind donations for events or services within the community;
Many requests often encompass more than one segment of giving. All requests must be accompanied by a ‘Donation Request Application’, additional information may be supplied with the request. Requests can be made for:
A. Talent
B. Treasure
C. Time
Due to the volume of requests received each year Cornerstone Insurance will give priority to requests that meet the following criteria:
1. Requests made in person with documentation including financial goals to support their request;
2. Requests made to the Executive Management Team by individuals or organization making the request;
3. Requests made a minimum of 2 months in advance of need; a. More time will be required for larger requests.
4. Requests that benefit the community rather than benefitting solely one individual, team, or organization;
5. The following categories of efforts will be given priority:a. Safety programs- example: Home Safe Programs, smoke/CO2 alarm programs;b. Traffic related initiatives: MADD, SADD, Distracted driving;c. Fire prevention: Volunteer fire fighter equipment, fire prevention awareness campaigns;d. Theft prevention: COPPS;e. Community building: EA Rawlinson, Art Hauser Center, Alfred Jenkins Center, etc.
6. Requestors who are current clients of Cornerstone/Swift Insurance will be given priority;
7. Considerations will be made surrounding net benefit to our organization as it relates to growing the business ie: client retention, thanking patrons, perspective new clients;
8. Preference will be given to causes that are attached to someone within our organization or which they are involved in either by giving time, treasure, or talent;
9. Causes that are near and dear to the hearts of staff and shareholders of Cornerstone/Swift Insurance will be prioritized.
Once requests have been received they will go to Cornerstone’s Executive Management Team for consideration and approval.